Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Applications open for #Shake2014 at Stephen the Lawrence Centre

Our next shake up >> 17th-21st February 2014 << at the Stephen Lawrence Centre Charitable Trust.

facebook event

Applications now open for our FREE! 5 day course on Art/ Race/ Media/ Power for 16-25's.

See below for more info & how to apply 


Farzana Art Party Hero!

We're very proud to announce that our very own Farzana Khan (coordinator extraordinaire) has been immortalized as an "Art Party Hero" nail wrap! Farzana (herself still within the 16-25 age group of Shake! participants) has been listed among the likes of bell hooks, Augusto Boal and Suzanne Lacy.

The full list of #artpartyheroes are listed here and also includes Gabriel Anderson, a 13 year old student who Shakers that attended the Emergence summit in 2012 will remember from his performances with long-time Platform collaborators, The Institute for the Art and Practice of Dissent at Home.

The Nailwraps created by Phoebe Davies in collaboration with Artsadmin are designed to honour "the brilliant, the bold and the beguiling artists and educators that continue to inspire young minds in spite of the ever more damaging policies and cuts doled out to the education sector." 

Gwan shake that manicured-nail-wrap fist Farzana! x

Monday, 13 January 2014

We welcome Nuwave pictures

Shake! 2013
Nuwave pictures is a production company that offers viewers an innovative and exciting cinematic experience through short films, feature films, documentaries and television programs. Behind Nuwave pictures are Patrice Etienne and Dershe Samaria. Dershe took part in last year's Shake! at the Stephen Lawrence Centre, and has since then received a film scholarship from the BFI, and mentoring from film maker Sam Liebmann. We are excited to have her and Patrice join us one year later as workshop facilitators.

All material created by Nuwave pictures carries messages and hopes to spark social change and a greater understanding of political issues both nationally and internationally. As the company's name suggests, Nuwave’s objective is to offer a diverse viewing perspective to oppose the largely, highly glossed, predictable and stereotypical films and dramas that plague our TV/Cinema screens. As such the company places a huge importance on working with new and fresh acting, writing, directing and producing talents. In 2012, Nuwave pictures
were supported by London sponsors BT, to create two feature length documentaries with a group of young people on the Olympics and Paralympics with the aim of capturing the voices of the diverse public. Please find a link to the trailer below:

Most recently their documentary ‘Olive’ focusing on food, herbs and health premièred at the British Film Institute, and will be followed by screenings at The Barbican and other venues across the country.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Hip Hop Psychology

UK Hip Hop & Grime Culture promoting community and personal development

Shake! is always questioning the role of art forms and their differences in creative expression and building the capacity for change, so we are very excited to hear about this project: 
Hip Hop Psychology 
is a an exciting and unique three month participatory project for young people and adults, starting in January 2014. It hopes to bring together 10-15 young people (aged 14-25) to be co researchers investigating with the projects facilitators into the ways that Hip Hop and Grime culture promotes community and personal development.

Some words from the team:
"Young researchers/journalists get to decide on what topic to focus our research and how we might go about its as well as how we will present the results of the research we do together. It will involve interviewing artists, and people working in the hip hop and grime scene in the UK as well as fans of the music."

Apply quickly as places will fill up fast!
Email or contact 07841975905.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Zena's Thoughts on the Three R's- Remembering, Re-imagining, Reparations

This will be my fourth time as a Shake! facilitator and the third time as  core team intensive 5-day course deviser.

Shake! 1: The pilot "Arts Race and Power" course honoured the lives of aspiring architect and London youth Stephen Lawrence, and the eco-activist and Nigerian Ogoni Tribesman writer Ken Saro-Wiwa and used their stories as case studies to interrogate the themes

Shake! 2 – The "Voice Verse Power" course analysed media representation, political definitions of race and power to estabilish, validate and give a platform for the voice of the marginalised and stigmatised.

Shake! 3: focused on the themes of and "Power, Perceptions, Propaganda".

Now we’re going in deep – Remembering, Re-imagining, Reparations. This the title of the next course and it is going to be one of our most challenging courses to devise for the themes are so broad, complex and could potentially take us down a worm hole of new age theory and idealistic visions of Utopia.

What we are going to endeavour to do is imagine a world where equality is a reality, where the redistribution of wealth is just and sustainable, where the generations and races are working together to ensure the human rights of every child is acknowledged and honoured into their old age.
WHAT could or will this world look like and WHERE TO BEGIN?
Since coming on board there has been clear trajectory for the content of this course.

We begin with the Story.