SHAKE! Blog:
We were told on day one of the course that during the week
we would have an opportunity to explore what art forms we most wanted to do and
could either do Film or Spoken Word. We
had a day to think about it and I was mulling over what I would do but in the
back of my mind I was eager to explore spoken word, as I had already started
writing abit at home, so spoken word it was then!
So after lunch on day two we were in the main space
downstairs ready to get stuck into spoken word and were asked by Zena to think
about why we chose spoken word and how through writing poetry we can make our
personal story political. She showed us
a Def Jam video of Patricia Smith’s performing “Skin head” and we unpacked the
devices she used in her performance, how she spoke with the voice of her
character, how she made the personal political and how she used humour and
empathy to relate to her audience.
Then it was our turn.
Sai briefed us on how we were going to write a poem called “I am” based
on our lives, our friends, family all the things which make us up as a human
being. But our task was how we could
make the personal political, how our personal narrative story could also be a political
narrative. Some of the devices we used to get into the zone was to start each
line with “Iam” and to be as descriptive as you can but also remembering the
devices Patricia Smith used like using her voice as her character and think
about what are the boxes that society wants us to conform to using race,
gender, age, background and how we can reverse those stereotypes. We took 5 minutes to write and then shared
our pieces to each other.
Sai then shared his experience of working with the Leeds
Young authors and how he created a group piece based on the theme “I come
from.” Then it was our turn to try and
do the same, by picking out the strongest lines in our poems and writing them
down on massive paper to see how we could create a flowing story that was about
where we came from. Our poems touched on
themes from our ancestry, identity, where we reside and using our own mother
tongue to create one story.
The process of making it one was challenging but fun, as
everyone’s lines were on the floor we had to think about what made sense and
what easily flowed and created a narrative as some lines were sounds and memories
whilst others were a specific characters story.
So there was a lot of chopping and changing but we managed to create our
final piece which case titled – “Neat Suitcase, The Sword”
After creating a group piece the
focus changed into producing our own material to perform for the internal show
case. In order to direct our attention
we were given different poetic strategies to create our own work. These included, an Acronym poem which
basically is using the first letter of each word to tell a story, rhyming
couplets (ABABABC) at the end of each line to create a tighter poem. We were also given worksheets to aid us in
our descriptions of our poems and to also be as specific as possible through
our description of our poems.
The time we had was focused on
trying to create our own material so much of the time we spent was on our own,
in our own zone trying to create new material.
The material we created was still based on the themes of ancestry,
identity and also making the personal political some of our work was also
inspired by the workshop session we had on the role of the media in telling
Using the knowledge we gained
from how the media use images and headlines to tell stories and how many of the
media’s stories alienates its readers. We also learnt the media has power
through its editorial choice to twist a story or portray a story which it wants
and which is overtly different from the truth.